Useful Information and
Articles of Interest

January 2024
Leadership, family, freedom: a harmonious triad instead of off-key tones
Even though the world should have moved on by now: In professional life, there is no getting around the question of whether and how a demanding management position and parenthood can be reconciled.
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November 2023
Experience diversity: Changing perspectives in wheelchair tennis
If you want to develop as a manager, you should always be on the move mentally. This also includes the willingness to be open to the perspectives of your employees and fellow human beings in general…
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September 2023
Promoting careers with mentoring: Trust and openness are the common thread
It’s often lamented that women don’t have the same doors and networks open to them in the professional world as men. This criticism is not entirely unfounded when viewed in the light of day; classic career-promoting networks…
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July 2023
(Key) Experience Keynote: my speech for TUM 2023 graduates
My alma mater called – and it was a call I was only too happy to answer. For the Graduation Ceremony 2023 of TU Munich I was asked to be the keynote speaker. Who would have said no? Certainly not me…
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June 2023
For several years, I have been involved as a lecturer for the course “Intercultural Competence” at the Ludwigsburg University of Public Administration and Finance. I find it very forward-looking…
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May 2023
Leadership is responsibility for people: My contribution as a guest lecturer in strategic management
I think it is very important to share professional experiences. Ideally, it provides impetus and inspiration for careers and life paths. I’m especially happy when I reach not just one person, but an entire lecture hall…
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April 2023
Promotion of technical competencies: My experience as a mentor at Technovation Girls Germany
Passing on knowledge and accompanying people on their development path is a real matter of the heart for me. That’s probably why I end up in different mentoring situations again and again…
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February 2023
On the way to becoming a manager: my interview with the TUM Career Guide
Every path begins with a first step. The path to becoming a manager is no exception. I have encountered this path and have given an interview about my experiences to the TUM Career Guide. A few practical tips are, of course, included.
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December 2022
Team training: Creating connection despite physical distance
I shared my experiences on digital team training with Dialog – the magazine of the Ludwigsburg University of Public Administration and Finance. Background: I am a lecturer at the university and thus always have the opportunity to share new impulses to the professionals of tomorrow, and provide much needed inspiration.
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November 2022
Digital warm-up: Warming up for digital collaboration
Warm-up exercises have their fixed – and justified – place in sports. Warm-ups are also a really good idea in the digital space. Anyone who has ever sat in a video call with mostly unfamiliar people will certainly remember how agonizing the atmosphere and silence can be, especially at the beginning. After all, the usual informal getting-to-know-you over coffee is omitted.
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September 2022
Leading hybrid, but how? My talk at the herCAREER MeetUp
It is well known that the pandemic has put not only the healthcare system but also the world of work to the test. Although the dust has fortunately settled somewhat in the meantime, hybrid and digital working models will continue to accompany us in the future. I spoke about what this can mean for managers last fall at herCAREER’s MeetUp.
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June 2022
For the career podcast of TU Munich, my academic home, I gave an interview about how to master your own first leadership role. I myself led employees for the first time at a relatively young age, which was of course a very exciting experience for me. For even more insights and some useful tips, check out this article.
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May 2022
My interview with herCAREER: “Leading hybrid, but how?”
I spoke to herCAREER about this forward-looking topic. It has long been apparent that hybrid work and, in particular, hybrid teams are more than just a side effect of Corona. After all, the advantages are obvious.
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March 2021
My portrait on TUM Community: Routine tasks are not for me
I am still very attached to my alma mater, TU Munich – for me, it was simply the ideal place to develop intellectually and professionally. The fact that I had to organize myself and set priorities for research projects such as my doctoral thesis helped me a lot in other areas of my life as well.
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